This week saw the first group presentations. They all went very well. Congratulations all round. For those that have already presented, please remember to email me either your Prezi link or you PowerPoint file.
For those groups that haven’t yet presented, please remember to email before your talk with your speaker list as per the instructions on the Assessments page.
For the group poster, please coordinate within your group to decide which individual will send me either a link to the Pictochart info graphic, or the poster data file. For the briefing note, I have set up an assignment on Blackboard under Assessments “Group Poster Briefing Note”. Instructions are taken from the Assessments page.
The poster submission deadline is 17:00 on 19th May. The final day of teaching will be the Friday 16th May. As well as the final presentations I will present the Global Challenges Iron Throne to the winner of the in-class quizzes. Needless to say you don’t want to miss that!
Posted By : James Dyke